What is Identifiers and Keywords in C++.
What is Identifier in C++.
Identifier are use in every computer languages.Identifiers are important feature on a language.Identifier are the names to represent variable or function.A good identifier name should be short.
In C++ identifier consists of 31 characters,if an identifier is longer than 31 characters first 31 character will be use and remaining will be ignored by Compiler.
There are two types of identifier:
- Standard Identifiers.
- User-Defined Identifiers.
An identifier that is define by the Programmer is Known as User-define identifier.
What is Keyword in C++.
A word that has a predefined meaning and purpose in C++ language is called Keyword.
The meaning and purpose of keyword is defined by developer of language,it can not be changed by user.
In C++ the total number of keywords are 63.
List of all Keywords used in C++
asm char delete
explicit class const
do double export
extern friend new
goto if mutable
namespace public register
reinterpret_cast sizeof
static_cast this
throw true typename
union unsigned volatile
wchar_t while const_cast
continue default dynamic_cast
else enum false
float for inline
int long operator
private protected return
short signed struct
switch template try
typedef typeid using
virtual void
What is Identifiers and Keywords in C++.
Reviewed by Alpha
3/04/2017 05:43:00 pm
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